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Currently Individual Psychotherapy, Marriage, Family and Child Counseling, and Management consulting are available in person, by telephone or online through Skype with video. For more information please contact Dr. Jeri DeVale. Please visit our store and consider purchasing our book “Kissing Our Way To Enlightenment”. We also do management consulting, to assist CEO’s and managers to help their businesses become simultaneously more healthy, efficient and profitable. We are looking to videotape the educational seminars currently just in audio format, and extend them further.

Various other projects are research oriented; combining body, mind spirit interaction. We will be applying for grants for holistic approached to help cure diseases. We also have a Healing film project geared to bring humanity to greater wholeness, and hope to put films out on a regular basis that will entertain, fascinate, educate and heal all at the same time. Contributions of time or money are being accepted in all of these areas.

Click here to pay for a session or donate.
For further information you can contact Dr. Jeri DeVale: / (727) 374-3092